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Company Profile

Who We Are

Milner's Window Cleaning is a building maintenance company that has provided a variety of services to the Greater Vancouver Regional District for the past 30 years.

How We Started

The company started as a one man operation that provided window cleaning on both high-rise and low-rise buildings for Strata Councils through property management companies and personal relationships. It grew steadily over the years through word of mouth referral because of its quality, dependability, courtesy, and honesty. Over the course of its growth, those qualities have been emphasized as we have built relationships with our customers. Currently, the company has between 7 and 15 workers at any given time, as well as two full-time managers and offers a range of services to meet your building maintenance needs.

What We Stand For

      For our customers:

      Honesty. Respect. Quality.

      Excellent quality service - Guaranteed - at a competitive price.

      For our employees:

      Dignity. Opportunity.  Equality.

      An excellent work environment based on open communication and an emphasis on safety.


Our company prides itself on its safety record. In approximately 30 years of business, we have never had a serious debilitating injury. We take great care to ensure all our workers perform their tasks safely, are aware of all WCB requirements and regulations, and that they adhere to them strictly.

To this end, every employee is required to carry a cell phone for communication or in the event of an emergency.

Equipment is inspected on an on going bases to ensure it adheres to the highest safety standards, and replaced as necessary.

Monthly safety meetings are held in office to ensure employees are aware of all requirements, procedures, and new developments in the area of industrial safety.